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table-mode : Table Mode for VIM for allowing blazing fast table creation on the fly.

 script karma  Rating 48/19, Downloaded by 1649  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Dhruva Sagar
script type
VIM Table Mode
An awesome automatic table creator & formatter allowing one to create neat tables as you type.
You can find the original repository at https://github.com/dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode

Change Log

Getting Started

There are 2 ways to do this

I recommend installing pathogen.vim and then adding a git submodule for your plugin:

$ cd ~/.vim
$ git submodule add git@github.com:dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode.git bundle/table-mode
Copy autoload/todomode.vim, plugin/todo-mode.vim, doc/todo-mode.txt to respective ~/.vim/autoload/, ~/.vim/plugin and ~/.vim/doc under UNIX or vimfiles/autoload/, vimfiles/plugin/ and vimfiles/doc under WINDOWS and restart VIM


Depends on Tabular. Make sure Tabular is installed and loaded into your runtime to ensure this works.


On the fly table creation :

By default the table column separator is '|' (it can be changed). As soon as you type it on a new line (ignores indentation) the script gets to work on creating a table around it. As you type and define more columns, the table is completed, formatted and aligned automatically on the fly.

Since this could lead to unwanted behavior I have disabled table mode by default. You would have to use :TableModeToggle command or the table mode toggle mapping, which is <Leader>tm by default to toggle the table mode or you can directly use :TableModeEnable and :TableModeDisable to enable or disable the table mode. This is on a per buffer basis and so it does not cause any unusual behavior unless enabled explicitly. Please read :h table-mode for further information.

Format existing content into a table :

Table Mode wouldn't justify it's name if it didn't allow formatting existing content into a table. And it does as promised. Like table creation on the fly as you type, formatting existing content into a table is equally simple. You can visually select multiple lines and call :Tableize on it, or alternatively use the mapping <Leader>T (this is configurable). :Tableize accepts a range and so you can also call it by giving lines manually like :line1,line2Tableize, but this is not that intuitive. You can also use the mapping <Leader>T with a [count] to apply it to the next [count] lines in usual vim style.


Reporting an Issue :

Use Github Issue Tracker
Contributing to code :

Fork it.
Commit your changes and give your commit message some love.
Push to your fork on github.
Open a Pull Request.
I must thank Tim Pope for inspiration. The initial concept was created by him named cucumbertables.vim.

Also a shout out to godlygeek who developed the incredible Tabular plugin which does most of the grunt work behind the scenes.
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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
table-mode.tar.bz2 2.2 2013-04-01 7.3 Dhruva Sagar Initial upload
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