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autohide : Set 'hidden' attribute on swap files and the like in Windows

 script karma  Rating 37/17, Downloaded by 2199  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ben Fritz
script type
A simple plugin to set the "hidden" filesystem attribute on a
Windows system for files created by Vim. By default only nuisance files
created by Vim automatically due to user settings are hidden. The user can
configure the plugin to hide more files automatically, even files directly
created by the user.

There are three options for the autohide plugin:

*g:autohide_types* (default "suv")
  b = backup files (currently doesn't work with 'backupdir')
  s = swap files
  u = undo files
  v = viminfo
  p = files matching pattern

*g:autohide_file_list* (default [.*])
  List of file patterns to hide when 'p' is part of |g:autohide_tipes|.
  This is a wildcard, not a regular expression. So the default .* matches not
  "any characters" but rather "file names starting with a . character". Set
  this option to a |List| of wildcards for files you want Vim to hide while
  you are editing.

*g:autohide_max_wait_for_write* (default 2)
  Maximum number of seconds to wait for the file being hidden to become
  writable before giving up. Useful for network file systems where the undo
  file especially may take a while to show as writable. Set to zero or less to
  never wait.

There is also one public function if you want to hide files in ways the plugin
doesn't support yet:

Autohide_DoHide({file})                                     *Autohide_DoHide()*
  Sets the "hidden" filesystem attribute on {file}. Will properly escape the
  file name before shelling out, so you shouldn't need to do that yourself.

Repository (Mercurial): https://sourceforge.net/projects/vim-autohide-plugin/
install details
New way: Unzip into $HOME/vimfiles/pack/your_arbitrary_name_here/start/autohide

Old way: Unzip each directory into the corresponding directory in your $HOME/vimfiles directory, or unzip the whole thing into your $HOME/vimfiles/bundle directory as usual if you use Pathogen.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
autohide_v5.zip 5 2019-08-13 7.0 Ben Fritz Fix backup files not properly hidden when the file has an extension.
autohide_v4.zip 4 2013-09-06 7.0 Ben Fritz Use "very no magic" to match file names literally in 'p' type
autohide_v3.zip 3 2013-06-06 7.0 Ben Fritz Fix bug in pattern matching when shellslash not set.
Allow hiding files on slow network locations with a configurable delay.
autohide_v2.zip 2 2013-04-07 7.0 Ben Fritz Add hiding of user-specified file patters on write
autohide_v1.zip 1 2013-04-03 7.0 Ben Fritz Initial upload
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