TLA+ : TLA+ plugin for Gvim
script karma |
Rating -1/1,
Downloaded by 981 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
xing chao |
script type |
patch |
description |
this is a plugin for TLA+ language,although TLA+ toolbox already exists,but it is fun to create this .for more information about this lauguage ,access
the hotkeys as follows:
<leader>gi IF-THEN-ELSE
<leader>ga CASE
<leader>go CASE-OTHER
<leader>glc LET IN /\.../\
<leader>gld LET IN \/...\/
<leader>cc comments one line
<leader>cu cancelthe comments of one line
<leader>qp comments paragraph
<leader>qe comments in the end of one line
<F5> TLA_Tla2Tex()
<F6> TLA_Tla2TexArguments()(-ptSize -textwidth -textheight)
<F7> pcal.trans
<F8> pcal.trans with Arguments()
<F9> tla2sany.SANY
<F10> tla2sany.SANY with Arguments(-s ,-d)
<F11> tlc2.TLC
<F12> tlc2.TLC with Arguments(-deadlock -simulate -depth -seed -aril -coverage -recover -cleanup -difftrace -terse -workers -config -nowarning ) |
install details |
copy to vimfiles or .vim
edit TLA_PATH in syntax\tla.vim as the tla's path ,default is c:\tla
make sure pdflatex is in PATH to use TLATEX Typesetter
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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