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HLPSL : HLPSL plugin for GVim

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created by
xing chao
script type
this is a plugin for hlpsl ,which is  a lauguage for specifying security protocols . The home page of this lauguage is www.avispa-project.org/

hotkeys :
<leader>cc   comment one line  
<leader>cu   cancel   one line comment
<leader>qe   add comment at end of line

  <F7> :call HLPSL_hlpsl2html()
  <F8> :call HLPSL_hlpsl2htmlArguments()
  <F9> :call HLPSL_hlpsl2latex()
  <F10> :call HLPSL_hlpsl2latexArguments()
  <F11> :call HLPSL_avispa()
  <F12> :call HLPSL_avispaArguments()

   <F5> :call HLPSL_Ofmc()
   <F6> :call HLPSL_OfmcArguments(usage: ofmc <IF File> [-theory <Theory file>] [-sessco] [-untyped] [-d <DEPTH>]
[-p <PATH>])
   <F7> :call HLPSL_Clatse()
   <F8> :call HLPSL_ClatseArguments(usage: clatse : -nb n -light-notype -short -out -dir d  -ns -noopt -v -col n -bench )
install details
drop it to vimfiles or .vim


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
hlpsl.zip 7.0 2013-05-21 7.0 xing chao run ofmc clatse in windows
hlpsl-gvim.zip 6.0 2013-04-06 7.0 xing chao Initial upload
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