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Join : A more powerful line Join command in vim

 script karma  Rating 41/16, Downloaded by 1652  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Kent Yuan
script type
Join plugin provides more powerful line join features than the build-in :join.

project home, examples and screenshots: https://github.com/sk1418/Join


Except for all features provided by the build-in :join command, Join can:
Join lines with separator
Join lines with or without trimming leading whitespaces (Join! [bang] without trimming)
Join lines with negative count (backwards join)
Join lines in reverse
Join lines and keep joined lines (without removing)
Join lines with any combinations of above options


Join plugin defines only one command: :Join. If there is no other customer command (by other plugins maybe) starts with J, :J is also available for :Join. The command format is:

:[range]Join[!] [separator] [count] [flags]

Short explanation: (detailed command description please check :h Join)

all arguments are optional. If one argument was not given, the default value will be used:

arg      | Default value
range    | current line
count    | 1            
bang     | ""          
separator| " "          
flags    | ""          
range follows Vim's range definition

separator must be the 1st argument, and could be any string. It must be quoted by " or ', depends on if an escaped special character is required.

the order of last two argument: count and flags are free. e.g :Join 5 rk and :Join rk 5, both are valid.

count could be negative number. In this case Join will do backwards join.

flags :

r : (reverse) join lines in reverse
k : (keep) don't remove joined line after join
If you don't give [separator] and [flags] also give only positive [count], the :Join works as same as build-in :join


More examples with screenshots can be found at https://github.com/sk1418/Join

(* indicates cursor in example)

Original file: >


- with [separator] and [count] >

   :J ', ' 3

result >

    5, 6, 7

- with [separator], [count] and [flag] r  >

:J '-' 3 r

result >


- with [separator], [count] and [flag] k >

:J '-' 3 k

result >


- with negative [count] >

:J -3

result >

    3 4 5

- with special [separator], negative [count] and [flag] kr >

:J "'\"\t" -3 kr

result >

    5'" 4'" 3

- with [range] and [count] >

:2,5J 3

result >
    5 6 7

- with [range], negative [count] and [flag] k >

:5,7J -3 k

result >

    *3 4 5
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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
Join.tar.gz 1.0.1 2013-11-07 7.3 Kent Yuan version 1.0.1  2013-11-07~
- move vim codes to autoload
- rename function names
Join.tar.gz 1.0.0 2013-04-09 7.3 Kent Yuan Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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