specta.vim : Syntax highlighting for Specta/Expecta
script karma |
Rating 6/3,
Downloaded by 757 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Keith Smiley |
script type |
syntax |
description |
Syntax highlighting for the specta/expecta Objective-C test frameworks.
With Vundle
Bundle 'Keithbsmiley/specta.vim'
To your .vimrc and run BundleInstall from within vim or vim +BundleInstall +qall from the command line
With Pathogen
cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/Keithbsmiley/specta.vim.git
You can set the syntax for a file manually with set syntax=specta I recommend you do this in your .vimrc detecting your typical test filename, for example in mine I use:
autocmd BufReadPost,BufWrite *Test.m set filetype=specta
This changes the filetype to specta whenever a file named *Test.m is read or written (written sets the syntax correctly for newly created files)
I also recommend you install cocoa.vim which adds some Objective-C highlighting features (automatically used by specta.vim if installed).
Known issues
Right parens ) at the end of describe blocks show up as errors
Highlighting inside other blocks doesn’t work (this is because cocoa.vim messes with the block highlighting behavior)
If you find any other issues or have any recommendations on how to solve these let me know via issues/pull requests |
install details |
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