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VERun : Easily run/compile your files inside vim

 script karma  Rating 13/4, Downloaded by 834  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Jesse Nazario
script type
The main goal of VERun is to run your program with just one command without leaving vim. You just open the file you want to run and execute :VERun.

Main features included in version 0.9:
- Runs C/C++, php, python, bash/sh and makefiles with just one command, without needing to cd your dir nor configuring anything
- Auto detect your C/C++ headers and adds the links to the g++ command (see :h VECppAutoHeaderList)
- Auto detect your python version
- Option to execute your program in an external terminal
- Currently supports only C/C++, php, python, bash/sh and makefiles

To compile/run your program, run:

For further instructions and configuration check the help file included in the tar ball.
Please feel free to contact me for eventual bugs, suggestions, complains or anything
install details
Download and extract the file in your ~/.vim/
If you want the development version, check the git repository: https://github.com/sollidsnake/verun

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
verun-0.9.tar.gz 0.9 2013-04-13 7.0 Jesse Nazario Initial upload
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