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MakeDoxygenComment 2013 : Generate Doxygen Comment Skeleton

 script karma  Rating 16/6, Downloaded by 2200  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ryan De Boer
script type
Inserts java doxygen comments for functions.
Modified Leif Wickland's script to fix bugs and get it to work correctly in my Terminal IDE android environment.

See original script documentation at:

* Supports functions on lines starting with a tab.
* Fixes the bug for adding @return for void methods.
* Fixed the incorrect documentation for what it generates (return instead of returns, and spaces).
* Removed one extra space at end of parameters.
* Supports omitting @brief tag. I uploaded a separate MakeDoxygenComment_no_brief.vim so you don't have to edit your .vimrc file if you want it removed.

* Does not support more than one tab, and the tab must be 3 chars (see l:tabSize). Only supports 0 or 1 tab.

I've found a number of bugs that I've been trying to fix. Unfortunately the echo statements are not enough to debug it properly. For now you'll need to do some extra manual editing.
* Incorrectly puts @return for class summaries.
* Sometimes does not finish the doxygen comment properly (you have to manually type */)

* Uncomment out the echo lines if you are making changes and debugging the script.
install details
Store MakeDoxygenComment.vim in ~/.vim/plugin/
Issue the :Dox command with the cursor on the function declaration.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
MakeDoxygenComment_no_brief.vim 2013-04-18 7.0 Ryan De Boer Only use this version if you don't want a @brief comment and don't want to modify vimrc just to have let g:MakeDoxygenComment_briefTag=""
MakeDoxygenComment.vim 0.1.4 2013-04-18 7.0 Ryan De Boer Initial upload
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