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vim-startify : A fancy start screen for Vim.

 script karma  Rating 223/74, Downloaded by 3889  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marco Hinz
script type

NOTE: Get the latest updates via github: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify

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Screenshot: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/raw/master/startify.png


Startify basically provides two things:

1)  If you start Vim without giving any filenames to it (or pipe stuff to it so
   it reads from STDIN), startify will show a small but pretty start screen
   which shows recently used files and sessions by default.

   Additionally, you can define bookmarks, thus entries for files that always
   should be available in the start screen.

   You can either navigate to a certain menu entry or you just key in whatever
   is written between the square brackets on that line.

2)  It eases handling of loading and saving sessions by only working with a
   certain directory. Two commands are used for convenience:

      :SLoad    load a session
      :SSave    save a session

The default settings are pretty sane, so it should work without any
install details

If you have no preferred installation method, I suggest using tpope's pathogen:

1. git clone https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen ~/.vim/bundle/vim-pathogen
1. mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload && cd ~/.vim/autoload
1. ln -s ../bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim

Afterwards installing vim-startify is as easy as pie:

2. git clone https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify ~/.vim/bundle/vim-startify
2. start Vim
2. :Helptags
2. :h startify

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-startify-1.7.tar.gz 1.7 2013-08-04 7.0 Marco Hinz - new lists handling
- improved buffer handling
- improved plugin compatibility
- added custom header
- improved docs
- lots of bugfixes
- MIT licenset
vim-startify-1.6.tar.gz 1.6 2013-05-30 7.0 Marco Hinz - proper handling of files containing spaces everywhere
- (command argument completion for files with spaces)
- commands remember the last used session now
- less magic when opening sessions
- command hardening
- lots of function reordering
vim-startify-1.5.tar.gz 1.5 2013-05-08 7.0 Marco Hinz improved symlink handling, add set_mark() and open_buffers(), split mode (key 's', 'v' or '<space>' on some entries and commit via '<cr>'), add CONTRIBUTING file, improved several 'if' checks, added :SDelete, exclude bookmarked files from MRU list, 'e' -> empty buffer (normal mode); 'i' -> empty buffer (insert mode), new option: g:startify_custom_indices, removed option: g:startify_unlisted_buffer
vim-startify-1.3.tar.gz 1.3 2013-04-27 7.0 Marco Hinz change working directory, more intelligent 'q', mouse support, create session dir on demand, configurable empty buffer key, bugfixes
vim-startify-1.2.tar.gz 1.2 2013-04-26 7.0 Marco Hinz Windows support, added :Startify command, FAQ section in the docs, tons of bugfixes
vim-startify-1.1.tar.gz 1.1 2013-04-24 7.0 Marco Hinz make commands take arguments + tab completion; bugfixes
vim-startify-1.0.tar.gz 1.0 2013-04-24 7.0 Marco Hinz Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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