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Conque GDB : GDB command line interface and terminal emulator in (G)Vim.

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created by
Andreas Lynge
script type
Conque GDB turns Vim buffers into terminal emulators, which enables you to run CLI programs from inside Vim windows.

Although you can run any CLI program with Conque GDB. The main reason for this plugin is to offer a nice and complete GDB command line interface inside of Vim. See demonstration video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcSjaYSoqnc&feature=youtu.be (watch in HQ).

If you start a new debugging session with the ConqueGdb command, Conque GDB will automatically open the appropriate source files when break points are hit, and highlight the line where program execution has stopped.

Conque GDB runs on both Unix and Windows. However if you install Conque GDB on a Unix system with GDB 7.0+ compiled with python support, Conque GDB will be able to highlight lines to mark where you have currently placed break points.

Conque GDB ships with a modified version of Conque Term (Conque Shell) version 2.3. This new version of Conque Term comes with new options and new features. The most noticeable new feature is the ability to update windows that are not in focus.
install details
Before installing you need (G)Vim 7.3+ compiled with +python support.
On Unix (OS X, Linux etc.) you need GDB 6.3+, but 7.0+ is recommended.
On Windows you need MinGW GDB 7.0+, see http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started for MinGW installation instructions.

Download the latest conque_gdb.vmb file below. Open the conque_gdb.vmb file with vim and issue the following commands
    :so %

When you have installed Conque GDB take a look at the help files doc/conque_gdb.txt and doc/conque_term.txt for a through explanation of the plugin.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
conque_gdb.vmb 0.16 2016-11-01 7.3 Andreas Lynge Added command ConqueTermPaste which can be used to paste the previously yanked text.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.15 2016-03-25 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Fixed problem causing error E484 when starting vim with Conque GDB on some systems.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.14 2015-04-22 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Added option to modify the amount of milliseconds to sleep before reading GDB output. Thanks to Matthias Bilger for implementing this option.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.13 2015-01-27 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Added command (ConqueGdbExe) to change path to GDB executable at runtime, useful for cross development. Thanks to Anatolii Sakhnik for implementing this feature.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.12 2015-01-05 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Added new option to enable/disable saving of command history from keyboard mappings in the CLI window.
* Improved the read unfocused option.
* Fixed problem with having wrong window as previous window.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.11 2014-10-23 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Resolved problem with moving cursor to wrong window when break points were hit. (This could happen when a taglist window was open while debugging).
conque_gdb.vmb 0.10 2014-07-07 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Fixed problem with setting breakpoints on multi-line macros.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.9 2014-02-20 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Solved problem with some times moving cursor to the wrong window when the same buffer was opened in multiple windows
conque_gdb.vmb 0.8 2014-02-11 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Fixed problem with Conque GDB not being able to remove breakpoints when a file buffer was reloaded. Again, thanks to Sergey Vlasov for discovering and reporting the problem.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.7 2014-01-26 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Fixed problem with always having terminal window as previous window when the g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused option was enabled.
* Improved Conque GDB window selection algorithm. It's now more intuitive which window is selected for source file when debugging a program and program execution stops.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.6 2014-01-14 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Fixed "Command terminated, Press ENTER or type command to continue" bug (caused by ignoring SIGCHLD with SIG_IGN). Thanks to Sergey Vlasov for discovering the problem and help fixing it.
* Fixed g:ConqueTerm_Color option, such that we can disable terminal colors.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.5 2013-06-11 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Disable session support
* Better name for Conque GDB buffer
conque_gdb.vmb 0.4 2013-06-11 7.3 Andreas Lynge * Bug fixes
* New keyboard mappings
conque_gdb.vmb 0.2 2013-05-09 7.3 Andreas Lynge * More intuitive output on Windows.
* Fixed bug when setting break points on last line in functions on Unix.
conque_gdb.vmb 0.1 2013-05-09 7.3 Andreas Lynge Initial upload
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