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vim-origami : A script to align, insert and delete foldmarkers conveniently

 script karma  Rating 84/23, Downloaded by 1041  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Kartik Shenoy
script type

Plugin to satisfy all your folding needs  
* Justify all the open-fold markers  
* Create new open/close foldmarkers conveniently  

The latest version will be available on Github https://github.com/kshenoy/vim-origami


So, once that's done, out of the box, the followings mappings are defined by default:  

  <leader>zax  Align all folds of level 'x'  
  <leader>zox  Insert a start foldmarker of level 'x' at the end of line  
  <leader>zcx  Insert an end  foldmarker of level 'x' at the end of line  
  <leader>zOx  Insert a start foldmarker of level 'x' enclosed in comments at the end of line  
  <leader>zCx  Insert an end  foldmarker of level 'x' enclosed in comments at the end of line  
  <leader>zd   Delete a foldmarker present on the line  

  <leader>zaa  Align all the folds
  <leader>zoo  Insert an unnumbered open foldmarker
  <leader>zcc  Insert an unnumbered close foldmarker
  <leader>zOO  Insert a commented unnumbered open foldmarker
  <leader>zCC  Insert a commented unnumbered close foldmarker

where 'x' is a number from 0-9. 0 refers to unnumbered folds
install details
For those of you -
* Pathogen: Unzip contents of the zip file to .vim/bundle folder
* Vundle/NeoBundle: Add 'Bundle "kshenoy/vim-origami" ' to .vimrc

I highly recommend using a plugin manager to do the dirty work for you.
If you still insist on not using one, unzip the contents of the vim-origami folder to your .vim folder.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-origami.zip 1.6 2013-12-26 7.0 Kartik Shenoy Bugfixes galore
ip used for rating:

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