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thumbnail.vim : A thumbnail-style buffer selector for Vim

 script karma  Rating 19/9, Downloaded by 4109  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

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NOTE: I don't upload code to vim.org anymore. Please clone from https://github.com/itchyny/thumbnail.vim.

This plugin is a thumbnail-style buffer selector for Vim.

The basic concept is graphical vim. We should not stay still at old-style
stage. The user interface is largely influenced by the new tab of
Google Chrome. This plugin is also inspired by Launchpad of Mac and unite.vim.

The repository is https://github.com/itchyny/thumbnail.vim.
install details
See README.md.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
thumbnail.vim-0.8.zip 0.8 2016-09-06 7.2 itchyny   - Refactoring
- Fix s:gen_color
thumbnail.vim-0.7.zip 0.7 2015-03-15 7.2 itchyny   Clear colorcolumn
Replace ==/!~ with ==#/!~#
Use abort argument for :function
Set norelativenumber
Use nowait for <ESC>
Fix for buffers containing [|, [\, [^
thumbnail.zip 0.6 2015-01-17 7.2 itchyny   Save cpo and restore
Improve g:loaded_thumbnail check
Fix the LICENSE file
Improve the syntax file
thumbnail.zip 0.5 2014-04-02 7.2 itchyny   Improve the syntax
Remove noautocmd
Improve the buffer's name
Improve buffer initialization
Update colors on ColorScheme event
Fix for mouse wheel
thumbnail.zip 0.4 2013-09-18 7.2 itchyny   Check existence of &concealcursor.
Move core codes to autoload/thumbnail.vim.
thumbnail.zip 0.3 2013-08-02 7.0 itchyny   Filtering for [No Name] buffers
Improve argument completion
Improve option completion
Improve behavior of vnew
Improve option parser and add '-here!'
Change behavior of nmap I
thumbnail.zip 0.2 2013-06-13 7.0 itchyny   Fix -here option
thumbnail.zip 0.1 2013-06-09 7.0 itchyny   Initial upload
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