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muzzl.vim : Tango colors with a torte scheme

 script karma  Rating 6/3, Downloaded by 1440  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Joel Muzzerall
script type
color scheme
There are many color schemes for Vim that take their palette from the Tango Desktop Project.  What makes this one interesting is that it matches the colors to syntax in a way that mimics the torte theme that comes prepackaged with Vim.  If you've spent as much time staring at torte as I have you will welcome the familiarity of the colors coupled with the reduced eye strain of slightly lowered contrast.

It also adds a couple of definitions for console colors so if your terminal is using the Tango theme then you should hardly be able to tell gvim and vim apart...  Though I think this gvim cyan is better than the Tango theme that came packaged with my Terminal.  The Tango Desktop Project does not define a cyan so we have to improvise if we need one.

Not only did I do the tweaking for this but I spent the last week or so staring at code in it and I'm not sure I'll ever need another color scheme.
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
muzzl.vim 0.1 2013-06-19 7.0 Joel Muzzerall Initial upload
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