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cisco.vim : Script to highlight cisco configuration files

 script karma  Rating 100/40, Downloaded by 5727  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
John Biederstedt
script type
This script will highlight some of the more common cisco configuration elements such as IP addresses and masks, router and configuration prompts, interface names, and a few other useful highlighting elements.  It also has syntax highlighting intended for use in Conqueterm, for those who might use that vim script to open a terminal in their vim buffer and apply syntax highlighting to it allowing them to highlight live router and switch login sessions.  There is highlighting to catch some common error conditions found in the output of "show interface" on most platforms, as well as interface up and down status.  It is far from complete, and more sections will be added in the future.
install details
Put it in the syntax folder of your .vim directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
cisco.vim .627 2017-02-10 7.0 John Biederstedt Updated.
cisco.vim .622 2013-07-09 7.0 John Biederstedt Fix to switchport error highlighting, misc
ip used for rating:

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