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LGS : Laravel 4 Generators interface.

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created by
daniel fort
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Adds integration with Laravel 4 Generator bundle through LG command allowing user to generate various entities w/o leaving VIM. Convinient navigation through generated/updated files included. This is a very early release, please file bugs if you find any.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/naquad/lgs.vim

LGS.vim provides one single command for invoking generators: LG


\\\" Generates NewModel
LG model NewModel

\\\" Generates controller Controller
LG controller MyController

\\\" Will insert form for model Model into current buffer at cursor position
LG form NewModel

\\\" You can also specify options for generators

LG form --method=create --html=ul ModelName

\\\" Syntax with = is supported too
LG controller --path=/path/to/template ControllerName

See documentation for more details.
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
lgs.zip 1.0 2013-06-22 7.0 daniel fort Initial upload
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