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vim-github-dashboard : Browse GitHub events in Vim

 script karma  Rating 5/2, Downloaded by 3442  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Junegunn Choi
script type
This plugin allows you to browse GitHub events (user dashboard, user/repo activity) in Vim.

Project Home:

  - Ruby support
  - json_pure or json gem

Commands (with authentication):
  - :GHDashboard
  - :GHDashboard USER
  - :GHActivity
  - :GHActivity USER
  - :GHActivity USER/REPO

Commands (without authentication):
  - :GHDashboard! USER
  - :GHActivity! USER
  - :GHActivity! USER/REPO

  Use Tab and Shift-Tab to navigate back and forth through the links.
  Press Enter key or double-click on a link to open it in the browser.
  Press R to refresh the tab.
  Press q to close the tab.
install details
Extract in ~/.vim, or use Pathogen or Vundle.

With Vundle:
  Add the following line to your .vimrc,
    Bundle 'junegunn/vim-github-dashboard'
  then execute, :BundleInstall command.

With Pathogen:
    cd ~/.vim/bundle
    git clone git@github.com:junegunn/vim-github-dashboard.git

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-github-dashboard.zip 1.3 2013-07-04 7.3 Junegunn Choi - Added g:github_dashboard['position'] option
- Added g:github_dashboard['emoji_map'] option
- Emoji on tab line
vim-github-dashboard.zip 1.2 2013-07-01 7.3 Junegunn Choi - Print emoji in comments as well
- Fix gist URL
vim-github-dashboard.zip 1.1 2013-06-27 7.3 Junegunn Choi - Shows repository activity as well (USER/REPO)
- R key to refresh dashboard
- Double-click on links
vim-github-dashboard.zip 1.0.1 2013-06-26 7.3 Junegunn Choi Bug fixes
vim-github-dashboard.zip 1.0 2013-06-25 7.3 Junegunn Choi Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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