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sprunge.vim : A pastebin vim plugin for http://sprunge.us/

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 2142  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
chili cuil
script type
There are several pastebin sites avalaible on the Internet, and there exist even a plugin for Gist: https://github.com/mattn/gist-vim. So why yet another pastebin plugin?, well, tell me 1 site who allow you fetch the content sanetely?, most of them ask you to open a browser and click here and there to get the juice.

http://sprunge.us/ doesn't not!, if you're confident in a terminal, try this:

  $ ls | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us

Curius for your output?, try now this:

  $ curl <url-sprunge-generated>

Cool!?, eh?, now, wouldn't it be even more cool if you could paste directly from vim?

2. Usage


After pressing <Enter>, you'll get a url with the content of your file. You
can also invoke this in visual mode to sprunge only the visual selection.

Alternatively you may also use the '<Leader>s' mapping, you can override this
mapping by setting 'g:sprunge_map' in your .vimrc
install details
The recommended way to get sprunge.vim is by combining github and vundle:


Vundle (recommended):

Add to your $HOME/.vimrc file:

    Bundle 'chilicuil/sprunge.vim'

Run inside of vim:



    $ git clone https://github.com/chilicuil/sprunge.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/sprunge.vim


Download the zip file attached and extract the files in $HOME/.vim

    mv sprunge.vim*.zip $HOME/.vim
    cd $HOME/.vim && unzip sprunge.vim*.zip

Update the help tags:

    :helpt ~/.vim/doc/

Vote the plugin if you like it =)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
sprunge.vim.zip 0.0.6 2017-04-30 7.0 chili cuil * Add option g:sprunge_tabs2spaces to replace tabs with spaces
      before aligning to left, WARNING: slow
* Add option to align to the left before pasting, enabled by
* Add new provider http://ix.io
* Add notion of multiple providers, enabled by g:sprunge_providers
ip used for rating:

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