ctrlp-tjump : CtrlP extension for fuzzy-search in tag matches (tjump/tselect replacement)
script karma |
Rating 23/10,
Downloaded by 1813 |
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created by |
Ivan Tkalin |
script type |
utility |
description |
CtrlP extension for fuzzy-searching in tag matches. May be used instead of :tjump or :tselect for IDE-like Goto declaration functionality, which jumps to the declaration in case of one match, and shows quick-search window in case of multiple matches.
Two vim commands are created by this plugin:
* `CtrlPtjump` - go to declaration of the identifier under cursor
* `CtrlPtjumpVisual` - go to declaration of the visual selected text
1. CtrlP should be installed
2. Tags should already work with :tag, :tselect and :tjump commands.
1. Use your favorite method (I prefer Vundle)
2. (Optional) Create mappings:
nnoremap <c-]> :CtrlPtjump<cr>
vnoremap <c-]> :CtrlPtjumpVisual<cr>
1. Move cursor to the Class/Method usage in your code
2. Press c-] (if you have created mapping) or just execute :CtrlPtjump in the command line (or `:CtrlPtjumpVisual` in visual mode) in the command line.
Screenshot: https://github-camo.global.ssl.fastly.net/41125e06c9b55368d39d59c50ff136b5b6867a87/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f3155724d4f70642e706e67 |
install details |
Unzip into your .vim directory or use Pathogen/Vundle |
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