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Vertigo : A better way to move vertically.

 script karma  Rating 8/6, Downloaded by 868  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Pandu Rendradjaja
script type
Vertigo.vim is a Vim plugin is based on a simple idea: that moving up and down using relative line numbers (e.g., 3j, 15k) is a very simple and precise way of moving around vertically, and shouldn't require your hands to leave home row.

To show how Vertigo works, let's look an example: say you want to go to some line that you can see (with relativenumber) is 14 lines down.

With this plugin, you'd press <Space>j to activate "jump mode." Vim then waits for two home-row keypresses representing a two-digit number, mapping asdfghjkl; to 1234567890. You then press af for 14, and just like that, you're 14 lines down. Easy! For one-digit numbers, just hit shift. (<Space>jF goes four lines down)

See the GitHub page for more details and installation instructions:
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
vertigo.zip 1.0.0 2013-07-30 7.2 Pandu Rendradjaja Initial upload
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