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clever-f.vim : Extended f/F/t/T mappings for more convenience.

 script karma  Rating 22/19, Downloaded by 3127  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Linda Rhysd
script type
clever-f.vim extends f, F, t and T mappings for more convenience.  Instead of ;, f is available to repeat after you type f{char} or F{char}.  F after f{char} and F{char} is also available to undo a jump. t{char} and T{char} are ditto. This extension makes a repeat easier and makes you forget the existence of ;. You can use ; for other key mapping.
In addition, you can customize a behavior of the mappings.

Github repository of this plugin is here

Please see README.md, doc/clever_f.txt and this repository for more information.

install details
1. unzip the archived file you downloaded.

2. copy files in autoload/ and plugin/ to your Vim runtime path.

3. f, F, t, T mappings are overwritten automatically.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
clever-f-1.7.zip 1.7 2021-05-04 7.0 Linda Rhysd - Add new feature 'highlight timeout' which removes highlights after specified timeout automatically
- Do not repeat the previous character while f mapping is used while macro
- Small refactorings/improvements
clever-f-1.6.zip 1.6 2020-09-06 7.0 Linda Rhysd - Adding new features
- Fixes for newer Vim
clever-f-1.4.zip 1.4 2014-08-06 7.0 Linda Rhysd New features:
  - highlight characters
  - do not move cursor on input
  - timeout
  - repeat last input

...and various bug fixes
clever-f-1.3.vim.zip 1.3 2013-09-23 7.3 Linda Rhysd - added new feature
  - smart case
  - you can set a character which matches any signs

- some refactorings

- some bug fixes
clever-f.vim.zip 1.2 2013-09-03 7.3 Linda Rhysd ## add features for customization
- make a search ignore case
- migemo support for Japanese environment
- fix mappings' directions of search
- show prompt

## make more stable

## some bug fixes and more tests
clever-f.vim.zip 1.1 2013-08-26 7.3 Linda Rhysd Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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