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Tags Updater : Simple tags automatic updater

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This script is a very simple utility to help you to update tags automatically.
It will update the tags after saving a file.

  * ctags
  * sed
  * grep

  $ ctags -R
  $ vim <file> # now tags will update automatically

  g:tags_updater_update_exist     integer (default 0)
      If not 0, Tags Updater only updates tags of file which the file is
      already in tags file

  g:tags_updater_ctags_program    string (default 'ctags')
      The ctags program.

  If g:tags_updater_update_exist is 0, the file under directory of tags will
  be updated. For example, case 1 will not be updated and case 2 will be.

  case 1:
      |-- a
      |   `-- tags
      `-- file

  case 2:
      |-- a
      |   `-- file
      `-- tags
install details
Put the .vim file to ~/.vim/plugin or corresponding directory on Windows.
NOTE: If you are on Windows, grep and sed programs are needed in your PATH. Download them from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/ and and to you PATH environment variable.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
tags_updater.vim 1.2 2013-09-28 7.2 fanhe - Supported Windows (need grep and sed).
tags_updater.vim 1.0 2013-09-25 7.2 fanhe Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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