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OpenURL : Opens links found on the current line; can also send emails (with mailto://)

 script karma  Rating 9/6, Downloaded by 1285  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Jonas Møller
script type
Type :OpenURL to start the utility.
It will then search the current line for links, if only one link is found then this link is opened.
If several links are found; OpenURL will display a prompt like this one:

1: http://www.vim.org
2: www.youtube.com
3: mailto://jonasmo441@gmail.com

You then answer accordingly with a number.

The following kinds of urls are allowed:

If an email address is found; mailto:// will be the assumed protocol.
If a www.___.___ link is found; http:// will be the assumed protocol.
These protocols are used/found by OpenURL:

You can send any bugs or feature requests to my email address.

OpenURL.vim  Copyright (C) 2013  Jonas Møller <jonasmo441@gmail.com>
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details
install details
        Put the "OpenURL.vim" file inside ~/.vim/plugin/ and restart vim

        Put the "OpenURL.vim" file inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim74\plugin (requires admin rights) and restart vim.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
OpenURL.vim 1.1 2013-10-31 7.0 Jonas Møller Fixed problem with dashes "-" in URLS
OpenURL.vim 1.0 2013-10-26 7.0 Jonas Møller Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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