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Cosco : Colon and semicolon insertion bliss

 script karma  Rating 37/12, Downloaded by 1478  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Luiz Filho
script type
What Cosco does:

Appends, substitutes or removes a comma or a semi-colon to the end of your line, based on its context.


Takes into consideration previous and next lines endings, as well line indentations.
Ignores blank lines.
Will maintain your cursor's original position.
The best way to describe it is with examples -- take a look at the official page on GitHub to see examples.

For examples, installation and usage, see the documentation at:

OFFICIAL GITHUB: https://github.com/lfilho/cosco.vim
install details
1- Add lfilho/cosco.vim to your Vundle, NeoBundle, pathogen, or manually copy the files... You know the deal.
2- Run your Vundle/NeoBundle/pathogen process of updating / installing new bundles...
3- Use it (see https://github.com/lfilho/cosco.vim for more details)
4- Profit!

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cosco.vim-0.10.0.zip 0.10.0 2017-07-23 7.0 Luiz Filho - Support for whitelisting and blacklisting files based on filetypes
- Support for ignoring comment lines
- Bug fix for next lines starting with {
cosco.vim-v0.9.0.zip 0.9.0 2016-07-28 7.0 Luiz Filho Add <Plug> mappings; Add vim-repeat support (and dependency)
cosco.vim-v0.8.5.zip 0.8.5 2013-11-03 7.0 Luiz Filho Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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