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cppnav : C/C++ File navigation - using omnicppcomplete

 script karma  Rating 39/12, Downloaded by 2851  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Sureshkumar Manimuthu
script type
The "cppnav" is a source code navigation plugin for c++ and c files. It uses omnicppcomplete  plugin and ctag tool.

- Accurate navigation
- Jumping to member function and member variable of class/struct
- Nested jumping : ctrl-] from a jumped location goes to the next instance. ctrl-t brings back to the original locaiton
- Jumping to files in #include directive
- Prototype preview of functions, macros and variables with single key press
- Function prototype preview while typing the functionName(
- Tab based navigation
      If the identifier is declared in a file in other tab then it jumps
      to the tab instead of opening it in the current window.
   let g:cppnav_tab = 'never'
   Disable tab navigation feature

   let g:cppnav_tab = 'always'
   Always use tab navigation. Open a new tab if the file is not already opened

   let g:cppnav_tab = 'only'
   Use tab navigation only if the file is already open in another tab or the  current file is not saved.
  create the 'tags' file using ctag with following options
   --fields=+iaS --extra=+fq
  ctrl-]  = Jump to declaration
  ctrl-t  = Jump back from declaration
  <space> = Quick prototype preview (editor bottom)
  _       = Preview the declaration file (preview window)
  -       = Jump to the declaration file (preview window)

Check out the Projx plugin for automatic tag creation and project file management
install details
Install omnicppcomplete plugin from

Linux/Unix/Cygwin : copy the cppnav.vim to ~/.vim/plugin/ directory
Windows : copy the cppnav.vim to %HOME%\vimfiles\plugin\ directory

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cppnav.vim 1.3 2013-11-30 7.0 Sureshkumar Manimuthu Nested jump : If ctrl-] pressed again from the jumped location, it jumps to the next instance
cppnav.vim 1.2 2013-11-26 7.0 Sureshkumar Manimuthu - Function prototype preview while typing functionName(
- Fixed : Prototype preview on the same file that is modified having issue
cppnav.vim 1.1 2013-11-21 7.0 Sureshkumar Manimuthu Tab based navigation support added.
Use g:cppnav_tab variable to control the behavior
cppnav.vim 1.0 2013-11-08 7.0 Sureshkumar Manimuthu Initial upload
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