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bashizzle.vim : deadsimple snippet/templating using bash

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 1932  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Leon van Kammen
script type
This plugin enables bash templates / filtering, aka the macgyver-style of using snippets.
Shellintegration is already possible using '!' and '.!' and such, but I wanted a faster / more templated way of doing things.

SEE VIDEODEMO HERE: http://playterm.org/r/bashizzle-and-vim-1385374364


* full bashification of vim, if you are better at bashscripting compared to vimscript: this is for you
* write a filename '/etc/motd'..and press CTRL-B, it'll just include that file in the current document
* write 'snippet' and it will list the contents of ~/.vim/snippet   (snippet.vim compatible)
* single-word-executables: write 'date' in vim..press CTRL-B, then it turns into 'Mon Nov 25 10:47:40 CET 2013' (it just ran '/usr/bin/date' :)
* UPDATE: filters! you can now postprocess your snippets or current vimdocument with easy bashscripts (extension .filter)
* UPDATE: $CLASSNAME and $FILE are now passed to snippets
* UPDATE: configurationfile ~/.bashizzle for global search/replace on every included snippet

Enough featureboasting, show me something!
Ok, bashizzle can easily turn something like this: http://pastie.org/8509238
into this: http://pastie.org/8509252
and optionally filter it with this: http://pastie.org/8509293

given that you properly configured your global search/replace keywords in ~/.bashizzle

Make sure you watch the screencat above
install details
tested on only textmode..just unzip it in your homefolder:

cd ~
unzip bashizzle.zip
  inflating: .vim/bashizzle          
  inflating: .vim/plugin/bashizzle.vim  
  inflating: .vim/snippets/companyx.filter  
  inflating: .vim/snippets/php/class
thats it

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
bashizzle.zip 0.66 2013-11-26 7.0 Leon van Kammen * bugfix: indentation fix
* bugfix: remove filterline after filtering
bashizzle.zip 0.6 2013-11-26 7.0 Leon van Kammen * added configurationfile
* added filters (.filter files)
* added example snippet + filter
bashizzle.zip 0.5 2013-11-25 7.0 Leon van Kammen Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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