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npm.vim : Run NPM commands in Vim.

 script karma  Rating 9/5, Downloaded by 1932  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Thomas Allen
script type
npm.vim makes it easy to run npm commands from Vim. It doesn't have any interesting features like errorlist integration yet.

Global Commands:

    :Npm <command> [options..]

Calls `npm <command> [options]`. Commands can be tab-completed.

Global Settings:

    g:npm_background = 0

If set to non-zero, runs all commands in background (so you lose their output).

    g:npm_custom_commands = []

If some NPM commands aren't being picked up, add them to this list.


npm.vim is released under the MIT license. See the comments at the head of npm.vim for the full license text, or the "COPYING" file you should have received with your copy of this software.
install details
Download npm.vim.zip from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4783

Unzip the zipfile. Copy plugin/npm.vim to your .vim/plugin/ directory and doc/npm.txt to your .vim/doc/ directory. Run `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` to build the docs as with other scripts.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
npm.vim.zip 0.1.3 2015-06-16 7.0 Thomas Allen Fix bad global function definition, remove GitHub link.
npm.vim.zip 0.1.2 2013-11-30 7.0 Thomas Allen Fix silly settings bug.
npm.vim.zip 0.1.1 2013-11-27 7.0 Thomas Allen Cleanup and bugfixes.
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