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Investigate.vim : A plugin for viewing documentation

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created by
Keith Smiley
script type
# investigate.vim

The plugin is on Github https://github.com/Keithbsmiley/investigate.vim/

A plugin for looking documentation on the word under the cursor.
You can choose to open it in a browser, with
[Dash](http://kapeli.com/dash) on OS X, or with an arbitary
shell command.

## Example


## Setup

Example mapping:

nnoremap K :call investigate#Investigate()<cr>

With this mapping, using capital K when your cursor is on a specific
word will open its documentation. The [help
has tons of documentation on configuration. Here are some of the
basic options.

## Configuration

### Dash

If you want to open everything in Dash you need to set:

let g:investigate_use_dash=1

This value is ignored unless you're on OS X. If you want to use Dash
conditionally based off the current filetype you can set something like:

let g:investigate_use_dash_for_ruby=1

If you want to use something else, like a URL for a single type you'd
want to use this which will override the global Dash setting:

let g:investigate_use_url_for_ruby=1

If you use a different keyword in Dash for a given language you can
set it by using:

let g:investigate_dash_for_ruby="rails"

This would set all Ruby files to open in the Rails documentation.

### URLs

If you don't like the website I chose as the default for a filetype you
can redefine it with:

let g:investigate_url_for_ruby="http://ruby-doc.com/search.html?q=^s";

Where `^s` will be replaced with the word under the cursor for Ruby

### Custom Commands

You can also open documentation with arbitrary shell commands. See
`investigate-writing-commands` in the documentation for more info.

### Project specific settings

You can setup project specific settings with an `.invrc` file from the
directory you launch Vim in. For example for a Rails project you may
want to set Ruby files to open Rails documentation for that single
project but not other Ruby gem based projects you're working on. To do
that the file would look something like this:


This will set a syntax variable:

let g:investigate_syntax_for_ruby=rails

Which entirely changes Ruby files to open in the Rails documentation.
See `investigate-conf-file` for more information.

## Installation

### With [Vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/vundle)


Bundle 'Keithbsmiley/investigate.vim'

To your `.vimrc` and run `BundleInstall` from within vim or `vim +BundleInstall +qall` from the command line

### With [Pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen)

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/Keithbsmiley/investigate.vim.git

To generate the helptags afterwards run `:Helptags`

## Development

If you find any bugs, want any languages added, or want any default
language settings changed, please submit an
install details

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
investigate.vim.tar.gz 1.0.0 2013-12-16 7.0 Keith Smiley Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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