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microViche : pan and zoom through the archive!

 script karma  Rating 35/13, Downloaded by 5409  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Liang Li
script type
microViche (microfiche + Vi) lets you pan and zoom through text archives and
... has great mouse support,
... automatic mapping,
... a youtube demo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YNiPUTGO28),
... and a github site (https://github.com/q335r49/microviche)!
install details
:source nav.vim
Press f10 to evoke a file prompt: you can start off with a pattern (eg, *.txt) or a single file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
nav.vim 2014-05-29 7.4 Liang Li Some new map navigation commands, disable autocommands during panning for greater compatibility with other plugins, simpify help and warnings, minor bugs and optimizations
nav.vim 2014-05-11 7.4 Liang Li Minor bug fixes and usability improvements
nav.vim 1.8.4 2014-04-28 7.4 Liang Li Settings apply immediately, new simpler mapping algorithm, settings UI changes, long delayed settings streamlining
nav.vim 1.8.3 2014-04-21 7.4 Liang Li New mapping algorithm allows for partial remapping, automatic remap on show map, simpler keyboard panning scheme
nav.vim 1.8.2 2014-04-08 7.4 Liang Li Map drawing optimizations, custom label markers, bug fixes
nav.vim 2014-04-03 7.4 Liang Li Map shows negative space! Handle map conflicts better! + lots of usability and bug fixes
nav.vim 1.8.0 2014-03-31 7.4 Liang Li *ALL MAP DATA WILL BE LOST ON UPDATE* Long overdue map overhaul: Manual mapping removed, there are no longer explicit map cells, but a zoom level determines how the map is drawn. Also, name change, optimizations, simplifications.
nav.vim 1.7.6 2014-03-24 7.0 Liang Li The jagged bottom of the abyss (ie, long, uneven splits) has been tamed, hopefully
nav.vim 2014-03-19 7.0 Liang Li Scroll wheel works, bug fixes
nav.vim 1.7.5 2014-03-17 7.0 Liang Li Automapping -- Lines of the form txb:[lnum][: Label] will automatically generate a map label on [hotkey][R]eformat (in addition to redrawing and realigning). Automatic labels will never overwrite user set labels.
nav.vim 1.7.4 2014-03-13 7.0 Liang Li Working directory! (Plane is now unaffected by directory changes and can be loaded from anywhere.) + minor fixes and improvements
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