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Html Template : This plugin paste a base frame in your new html- or php-file.

 script karma  Rating 13/4, Downloaded by 1341  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Linus Claußnitzer
script type
This plugin enables you to work faster.
It paste a base frame if you edit a new file with the ending .php, .html or .htm.
An African proverb:
"If many little people do in many small places a lot of small things, they can change the face of the world."

Try out:
1. Start vim.
2. Run :e test.html

If you have the right settings, the code have been added.
install details
1. Download the plugin in your /ftplugin - Directory.
2. Paste this code in your vimrc:
"htmlheader plugin
autocmd BufNewFile *.html,*.htm,*.php source ~/.vim/ftplugin/htmltemplate.vim
3. Maybe you must change the directory in the vimrc.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
htmltemplate.vim 1.1 2015-03-14 7.0 Linus Claußnitzer Added indent
htmltemplate.vim 1 2014-01-26 7.3 Linus Claußnitzer Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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