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TWMC: Tab/Win Move Commands : Tab/Win Move Commands for vim.

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created by
Yoonsang Lee
script type
This plugin is deprecated.
It is merged to TWCommand plugin (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4876), and not will be updated any more.
Please use TWCommand instead of this plugin.

For more information, please see https://github.com/yssl/TWMC.

# TWMC: Tab/Win Move Commands

TWMC is a set of useful commands for moving a tab, window or a cursor between vim's tabs / windows.
It provides additional useful commands such as maxmizing a window.  

TWMC is composed of three commands:
- Winmove : Move the current window between windows.
- Tabcmd : `:wincmd`-style tab management command including moving commands for a cursor between tabs.
- WincmdEx : Extension of the original `:wincmd`.

Each command has several sub-commands called by `:wincmd`-style single character arguments.

## Winmove

In vim normal mode, you can just type `:Winmove {arg}` (similar to `:wincmd {arg}`).  
List of available `{arg}` is:

{arg} | Winmove
---   | ---
h     | Move current window to left.
l     | Move current window to right.
j     | Move current window to down.
k     | Move current window to up.
p     | Move current window to location of previously focused window.

and all other arguments used in `:wincmd` that move a cursor such as w, W, t, b.

## Tabcmd

In normal mode, just type `:Tabcmd {arg}`.

{arg} | Tabcmd
---   | ---
h     | Go to the left tab page.
l     | Go to the right tab page.
W     | Go to the left tab page. Wraps around from the first to the last one.
w     | Go to the right tab page. Wraps around from the last to the first one.
t     | Go to the first tab page.
b     | Go to the last tab page.
p     | Go to the previous tab page.
q     | Close current tab page and move focus to previously focused one.
n     | Open a new tab page with an empty window, after the current tab page.
o     | Close all other tab pages.

## WincmdEx

This command overrides the original `:wincmd` command.  
In normal mode, just type `:WincmdEx {arg}`.

{arg} | WincmdEx
---   | ---
q     | Quit current window and move cursor to previously focused one.
m     | Toggle maximizing current window.

and all other arguments used in `:wincmd`.
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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
TWMC.zip 2.0.0 2014-02-01 7.0 Yoonsang Lee add Winmove Command
TWMC.zip 1.1.0 2014-02-01 7.0 Yoonsang Lee - rename the plugin to 'TWMC'.
- add 'toggle maximizing window' command.
Tabcmd.zip 1.0.0 2014-01-29 7.0 Yoonsang Lee Initial upload
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