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vim-colors-pencil : A light (and dark) color scheme inspired by iA Writer

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created by
Reed Esau
script type
color scheme
The pencil color scheme takes its inspiration from iA Writer, an elegant word processor available on the iOS and OSX platforms.

This Vim color scheme features:

* Subtle indicators of changes in the gutter for Signify, git-gutter, etc.
* Use for both code and prose, though it’s definitely geared towards the latter
* Light and dark variants
* iTerm color scheme available, for use in terminal-based Vim

Screen shot (and latest version) at https://github.com/reedes/vim-colors-pencil

Use just like any other colorscheme:

:colorscheme pencil

It has both dark and light variants:

:set background=dark
:set background=light

Differences with iA Writer: most notably, the ‘#’ heading text is shaded blue. This compensates for the lack of a visual cue found in iA Writer where the heading indicators are inside the left margin. Here we use color instead.

A corresponding iTerm color scheme to enable use of this color scheme with terminal-based Vim can be found at https://github.com/mattly/iterm-colors-pencil

Interact with the color scheme at the http://vimcolors.com website.
install details
Install using Pathogen, Vundle, Neobundle, or your favorite Vim package manager.

Or simply copy the colorscheme file to your ~/.vim/colors directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-colors-pencil-0.6.zip 0.6 2014-03-11 7.0 Reed Esau Darker blue for directory group; support for plasticboy/vim-markdown; option for neutral (normal color) headings in markdown
vim-colors-pencil-0.5.zip 0.5 2014-02-27 7.0 Reed Esau Mute MatchParen from intense pink to bg_subtle; brighter red for dark bg, lighten Visual for Dark, to contrast with Search.
vim-colors-pencil-0.4.zip 0.4 2014-02-02 7.0 Reed Esau Initial upload
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