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grin.vim :   Vim plugin for 'grin', the Python port of 'ack'

 script karma  Rating -1/1, Downloaded by 729  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Santiago Suarez Ordoñez
script type
This plugin is a front for grin, the python version of Ack. Grin can be used as a replacement for grep, it will allow you to run grin from vim, get the results in a split window and open them right in the editor.
install details

Install grin at OS level, user levle or even on a virtualenv:

Global install

$ sudo pip install grin

User install:

$ pip install --user grin

In a Virtualenv:

$ mkvirtualenv grin
$ workon grin
$ pip install grin

You can specify a custom grin name and path in your .vimrc like so:

let g:grinprg="<custom-grin-path> --emacs"

The Plugin

If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone git://github.com/santiycr/grin.vim.git

Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with :help fugitive.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
grin.vim.tar.gz 0.1 2014-02-03 7.0 Santiago Suarez Ordoñez Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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