Abridge : Vim code snippets creation made easy
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Rating 6/3,
Downloaded by 1017 |
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created by |
Justin Domingue |
script type |
utility |
description |
Easily create custom snippets automatically expanded when recognized, or use the default ones provided. No need to hit <TAB> or some other key combinations.
See GitHub for most recent version : https://github.com/justindomingue/Abridge
Animated screenshot : https://github.com/justindomingue/Abridge/blob/master/screenshot.gif
= Example Workflow
In a c or c++ file,
for<space>i = 0,,i < 10,,++i,,
will become
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
Once you hit <space>, vim recognized `for` and expands the snippet as defined in abridge.vim (easily modified). ",," selects the next placeholder (you could change it to <TAB> if you wanted, see below).
= Usage
Abridge comes with some default snippets. The goal is not to be exahaustive, but rather to define commonly use snippets.
You can define your own very easily. Add the command in your .vimrc :
call Abridge("to", "from", "filetype")
from : abbreviation (contains <1> - see note below)
to : expanded expression
filetype : file type on which to apply the abbreviation ('*' for all file types)
This command will create an abbreviation for to which will expand to from in file with type filetype.
Note from must contain <1>. This is where the cursor will be positioned after the expansion.
For example,
call Abridge("for","for(<1>; <2>; <3>) {<CR><4><CR>}", "c,cpp")
will expand for<non-keyword character> to
for(<1>; <2>; <3>) {
Note <non-keyword character> helps vim recognize the abbreviation : <ESC>, <CR>, <space>
- Mapping
,, : go to next <\d> and substitute (if not match is found, insert ",,")
-- Disable Mapping
To overwrite the mapping keys, set g:abridge_map_keys to your preferred keys. For example,
let g:abridge_map_keys = "<tab>"
-- Disable Default Snippets
Add let abridge_default_abb = 0 to your vimrc. |
install details |
Either copy plugin/abridge.vim to ~/.vim/plugin/ or use pathogen :
cd ~/.vim/bundle/
git clone https://github.com/justindomingue/Abridge.git |
script versions (upload new version)
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