ConsultADict.vim : ConsultADict is plugin that provides easy way to consult a dictionary
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created by |
Dmitry Ivanov |
script type |
utility |
description |
Consult A Dictionary is plugin that provides easy (IMHO) way to consult
dictionaries (for example for translate words). It provides the following
* Search for words or phrases in dictionaries and displaying
dictionary entries in a separate window
* Use of Ex commands and hence shell-commands (for example
"r!/usr/bin/sdcv -n $$$_words") for displaying dictionary entries.
* Search in dictionaries for:
- given word or phrase (:ConsultADict <words>);
- the word under the cursor (:ConsultADict or :ConsultADictToggle);
- the current selection in visual mode (:ConsultADict or :ConsultADictToggle)
* Search history (for current script run time)
For more information see :help ConsultADict
install details |
Extract the zip archive into your runtime dicrectory (for example ~/.vim or
~/vimfiles for Windows). The archive contains the following two files:
Next, to finish installing the help file run:
:helptags <your_runtime_directory>/doc
It needs to add at least one command to list of the commands for displaying
dictionary entries before start using plugin. Variable ConsultADict_cmd is
used to define that list (you can set it in your vimrc file).
Ex commands and hence shell-commands (r!<shell_command>) are used for
displaying dictionary entries.
As an example, let's use sdcv (simple, cross-platform text-base utility for
work with dictionaries) to define command for displaying dictionary entries:
:let ConsultADict_cmd = ["r!/usr/bin/sdcv -n $$$_words"]
$$$_words will be replaced with word or phrase to look it up in dictionaries.
For more information see :help ConsultADict_cmd and :help ConsultADictScripts
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