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SemanticHL : Semantic highlighting for C/C++ (v1.0 20140521)

 script karma  Rating 8/11, Downloaded by 1346  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
John Leimon
script type
Adds semantic highlighting to C/C++ symbols


Assigns the color of a C/C++ symbol using the hash of the symbol string as a key to a color table that spans the line between minimum and maximum hue. Color table customizable by editing script. Behavior of color assignment customizable by editing hash function.

Known defects

- The 'define' in a '#define' preprocessor definition may be incorrectly colorized.

- The semantic parsing algorithm is approximately O(n). Where 'n' is the number of non-syntax symbols in a buffer. Large files may be slow to process on your machine.

- Only available in gvim.
install details

Vim home directory is ~/.vim


1. Copy 'cpp_sem.vim' and 'c_sem.vim' to ~/.vim/syntax.
2. Copy 'semantic.vim' to ~/.vim/ftdetect

Semantic highlighting will be enabled automatically for files with c/cpp/h/hpp extensions.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
semantic.zip 1.1 2014-06-10 7.0 John Leimon Removed semantic highlight parsing from autocmd hooks: CursorMovedI and CursorMoved. This is to prevent noticeable UI performance degradation while editing some buffers on some systems.
semantic.zip 1.0 2014-05-22 7.0 John Leimon Latest and greatest.
ip used for rating:

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