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YAJS: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax : Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim

 script karma  Rating 22/12, Downloaded by 5075  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

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wei ko kao
script type
Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim. Key differences:

*  Use 'javascript' as group name's prefix, not 'javaScript' or 'JavaScript'. Works great with SyntaxComplete.
*  Recognize Web API and DOM keywords. Keep increase.
*  Works perfect with javascript-libraries-syntax.vim
*  Remove old, unused syntax definitions.
*  Support several ES6 new syntax, ex: arrow function =>.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/othree/yajs.vim
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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
yajs.vim-1.5.vmb 1.5 2015-12-31 7.0 wei ko kao 1.5

Lots of bug fix
yajs.vim-1.4.vmb 1.4 2015-03-30 7.0 wei ko kao * Better Array Comprehesion support
* Better Template highlight
* AngularJS JSDoc module
* Fix object literal syntax
* Don't break vim-jsx
yajs.vim-1.3.1.vmb 1.3.1 2015-02-17 7.0 wei ko kao - Add ServiceWorker
- Some code refactor
- Lots of bug fix
  - Nesting block
  - Multiline template string
  - Negative integer
  - Syntax not load second time
  - Comment in object literal
  - Reserved word not in all string type
yajs.vim-1.2.vmb 1.2 2014-12-02 7.0 wei ko kao - Embed JS in html/erb/haml
- fetch
- sendBeacon
- Improve init perfomance
yajs.vim-1.1.0.vmb 1.1 2014-10-31 7.0 wei ko kao * JSDoc 3
* ECMA-402: Intl
* async, await
* Event name
* String bugs fix
* Minor bug fix
yajs.vim-1.0.0.vba 1.0 2014-07-14 7.0 wei ko kao Stable release
yajs.vim-0.9.9.vba 0.99 2014-07-03 7.0 wei ko kao Initial upload
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