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cloudboard.vim : A cloud-based clipboard, copy text on a machine, paste it on another

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created by
brook hong
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# cloudboard.vim


中文文档 https://brookhong.github.io/2014/09/27/cloudboard-cn.html

A cloud-based clipboard, yank(copy) text into a numbered cloud register on a machine, put(paste) the text from the cloud register on another machine.

It uses GITHUB's gist as the cloud service.

# Usage

1. run command `:CBInit` to set up your own cloudboard.
2. visual select the text that you want to copy (otherwise all the current buffer), use command `:CBYank 0` to copy it into cloud register 0.
3. open vim on another machine, use command `:CBPut 0` to paste the text from cloud register 0.

### Cloud Register

The number starts from 0, you can use anyone you'd like, for example:

    :CBYank 5
    :CBPut 5

`:CBList` to put the contents from all cloud registers into current buffer.

#### Auto Clear of Cloud Registers

When AutoClear is turned on for a cloud register, the content of the cloud register will be cleared automatically after its content is read by a `CBPut` action.

`:CBAutoClear 2` to toggle on/off AutoClear of cloud register 2.

### Cloud Files

Cloud files are named files stored in a GITHUB gist.

    :CBSave test.c      to save selected range into a cloud file named test.c.
    :CBLoad test.c      to load a cloud file test.c into current buffer.
    :CBRm test.c        to delete a cloud file test.c.
    :CBListFiles        to list all cloud files in the cloudboard gist.

Loading cloud files requires two requests to GITHUB, thus cloud register is faster to be used as a clipboard across machines.
Cloud files is better when the text is huge, especial in case of that you prefer to save them for long period.

### Recommended Mappings

    nnoremap <space>p :CBPut
    vnoremap <space>y :CBYank

# Installation

Your VIM must have python support, check it with `:python print 'hello'`.

`Bundle 'brookhong/cloudboard.vim'`


Just unzip the zip file to your VIM file path, usually to be ~/.vim.
install details

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cloudboard.zip 1.0.2 2015-04-30 7.3 brook hong Because that the token attribute is deprecated in some of OAuth Authorizations API responses, the plugin will require user to input token directly instead of fetching a token through username/password.
cloudboard.zip 1.0.1 2014-09-28 7.3 brook hong add commmand :CBList
add commands for cloud files
add commmand :CBAutoClear
cloudboard.zip 1.0 2014-07-29 7.3 brook hong Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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