VIM PHP Refactoring Toolbox : Easily refactor your PHP Code
script karma |
Rating 34/10,
Downloaded by 1702 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Pierrick Charron |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin contains multiple refactoring tools for PHP code.
Here is the default mapping :
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>rlv :call PhpRenameLocalVariable()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>rcv :call PhpRenameClassVariable()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>rm :call PhpRenameMethod()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>eu :call PhpExtractUse()<CR>
vnoremap <unique> <Leader>ec :call PhpExtractConst()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>ep :call PhpExtractClassProperty()<CR>
vnoremap <unique> <Leader>em :call PhpExtractMethod()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>np :call PhpCreateProperty()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>du :call PhpDetectUnusedUseStatements()<CR>
vnoremap <unique> <Leader>== :call PhpAlignAssigns()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>sg :call PhpCreateSettersAndGetters()<CR>
nnoremap <unique> <Leader>da :call PhpDocAll()<CR>
You can find more details on how to use this script here : |
install details |
Just copy the php-refactoring-toolbox.vim file in your ~/.vim/plugin/ folder |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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