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Vim SELinux suite : A collection of vim scripts to help you write SELinux policy modules.

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created by
Yedvilun Prior
script type
Vim SELinux suite is a collection of vim scripts to help you write SELinux policy modules.
It is composed of:
- highlight syntax files for the SELinux filetypes;
- a snippets file to use with the 'SnipMate' plugin (vimscript#2540).
- an utility (a filetype plugin) called 'setool'.

The setool utility lists all the SELinux interfaces/definitions/templates found on the system (On redhat/fedora, it is in the directory /usr/share/selinux/devel/include, provided by the package selinux-policy-devel), ordered by type, in a sidebar window.
The listings are built at runtime when they are first required (by unfolding or using one of the provided functions), and show each interface name, parameters and summary.
This help the user to choose which interface to use. The user can jump to the interface definition by double-clicking if he wants to inspect it.

This plugin also sets the variables makeprg and errorformat, so you can use the command ':make' to build a module. If an error is detected, the cursor position will be set to the corresponding line.

The plugin exposes three functions:
- SEToolToggle() to show/hide the setool window;
- SEToolSearch() to search the definition of the word under the cursor. If the word is found, the corresponding file is opened and setool is set to its position.
- SEToolFind('word') to search for the given word instead of the word under the cursor.

The plugin defines some convenient keymaps for the buffers, to avoid calling the functions manually. They are written in the help menu of the setool window (press <F1> in setool).

- the setool window uses UTF8 characters as fold icons;
- use the usual <Ctrl>C to stop an operation, for instance if a cache takes to much time to build;
- do not try to unfold 'corenetwork.if': it contains too many interfaces and the cache takes to much time to build. Just double-click to open the file, and use the command 'setl fdm=expr' to fold.
- the setool window always starts with everything folded, even when toggled off/on. It is the expected behavior.

install details
Unpack the archive and copy its content in your home folder .vim:
   tar -xvf selinux-suite-<version>.txz
   cp -R selinux-suite/* ~/.vim/

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
selinux-suite-1.0.4.txz 1.0.4 2014-10-14 7.0 Yedvilun Prior Initial upload
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