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buftabline : Use the tabline to render buffer tabs

 script karma  Rating 54/23, Downloaded by 1423  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Aristotle Pagaltzis
script type
Buftabline takes over the tabline and renders the buffer list in it instead of a tab list. It is designed with the ideal that it should Just Work: drop it into your setup and you're done. There is only minimal configurable behavior.

Screenshot, rationale and comparisons with other plugins available at
install details
Cloning from GitHub using a plugin manager is recommended.

Otherwise download and unzip in your .vim directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
buftabline.zip 73b9ef5dcb 2022-01-01 7.0 Aristotle Pagaltzis Plug mapping for the last buffer shown; configurable number of plug mappings; better plug mapping error handling; support for highlighting modified buffers; better coexistence under actual tabpages; mouse support in NeoVim; Vim 7.0 compatibility; fixes for numerous small bugs
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