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yoda.vim : A VIM plug-in for completion using Clang.

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created by
kaika yuhi
script type
Yoda-vim is a Vim plug-in for code completion using libclang. Yoda-vim's features are:

* Fast code completion for C/C++ and Objective-C/C++.
* Load compilation options using your python configuration file influenced by YouCompleteMe.
* Jump to definition or declaration under the cursor of the editing file.
* Show code diagnostics in Vim's quickfix-window or you can use it via API as you want.
* Automatically insert variable segments, substring of text of candidate supporting snake case and camel case, by one keystroke in completion (Like XCode behaivior).
* Support code snippets if you have installed ultisnips.
* Works on python2 and python3.


Github mirror: https://github.com/kyuhi/yoda.vim
install details
If you are using Vundle, put below code snippet in your .vimrc
Plugin 'kyuhi/yoda.vim'


Put yoda.vim in your Vim runtime.

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
yoda.vim.zip 0.8 2014-11-28 7.4 kaika yuhi Initial upload
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