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argwrap.vim : Wrap and unwrap function arguments, lists and dictionaries in Vim

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created by
Alex Yatskov
script type
# ArgWrap #

ArgWrap is an industrial strength argument wrapping and unwrapping extension for the [Vim](http://www.vim.org/) text
editor. It can be used for collapsing and expanding everything from function calls to array and dictionary definitions.
All operations are easily reversible and correctly preserve the indentation of the surrounding code.

## Installation ##

1.  Clone or otherwise download ArgWrap extension from the [GitHub](https://github.com/FooSoft/vim-argwrap) page.

    If you are using [pathogen.vim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) for plugin management you can clone the
    repository directly to your bundle directory:

    $ git clone https://github.com/FooSoft/vim-argwrap ~/.vim/bundle/vim-argwrap

2.  Create a keyboard binding for the `ArgWrap` command inside your `~/.vimrc` file.

    For example, to declare a normal mode mapping, add the following command:

    nnoremap <silent> <leader>a :ArgWrap<CR>

## Configuration ##

You can customize the behavior of this extension by setting values for any of the following optional *buffer* and
*global* configuration variables in your `.vimrc` file. Buffer variables (prefixed with `b:`) take precedence over
global variables (prefixed with `g:`), making them ideal for configuring the behavior of this extension on a file by
file basis using `ftplugin` or `autocmd`. For example, the `argwrap_tail_comma` variable has two variants declared as
`b:argwrap_tail_comma` and `g:argwrap_tail_comma`, for buffer and global scopes respectively.

*   **argwrap_line_prefix**

    Specifies a line prefix to be added and removed when working with languages that require newlines to be escaped.

    *Line prefix disabled (default)*


    *Line prefix enabled for Vimscript (`let g:argwrap_line_prefix = ''`)*


*   **argwrap_padded_braces**

    Specifies which brace types should be padded on the inside with spaces.

    *Brace padding disabled (default)*

    [1, 2, 3]
    {1, 2, 3}

    *Brace padding enabled for square brackets only (`let g:argwrap_padded_braces = '['`)*

    [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    {1, 2, 3}

    *Padding can be specified for multiple brace types (`let g:argwrap_padded_braces = '[{'`)*

*   **argwrap_tail_comma**

    Specifies if the closing brace should be preceded with a comma when wrapping lines.

    *Tail comma disabled (default)*


    *Tail comma enabled (`let g:argwrap_tail_comma = 1`)*


*   **argwrap_wrap_closing_brace**

    Specifies if the closing brace should be wrapped to a new line.

    *Brace wrapping enabled (default)*


    *Brace wrapping disabled (`let g:argwrap_wrap_closing_brace = 0`)*


## Usage ##

1.  Position the cursor *inside* of the scope of the parenthesis, brackets or curly braces you wish to wrap/unwrap (not
    on top, before or after them).
2.  Execute the keyboard binding you defined above to *toggle* the wrapping and unwrapping of arguments.

## License ##

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.9 2015-12-17 7.0 Alex Yatskov Adding support for trail comma and line prefix
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.8 2015-08-25 7.0 Alex Yatskov misc fixes
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.7 2015-03-25 7.0 Alex Yatskov Adding argwrap_wrap_closing_brace
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.6 2015-03-12 7.0 Alex Yatskov Various improvements
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.5 2015-01-28 7.0 Alex Yatskov Add "ArgWrap" command
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.4 2015-01-28 7.0 Alex Yatskov Adding new customization options.
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.3 2014-12-19 7.0 Alex Yatskov Small fixes to script, documentation
vim-argwrap.tar.gz 1.2 2014-12-07 7.0 Alex Yatskov Updating documentation
ip used for rating:

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