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Vim-Swoop : Grep and replace easily in multiple files being context aware !

 script karma  Rating 31/10, Downloaded by 2499  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Clément CREPY
script type
Vim swoop is directly inspired from helm-swoop we can find as emacs' plugin.

It allows you to find and replace occurences in many buffers being aware of the context.

Please, visit the git repo so have more info and see animation about how it works.

-----  Credit  -----
Special thanks to [ Shingo Fukuyama ]( https://github.com/ShingoFukuyama ) for his amazing idea which has juste been ported to vim.

install details
Vim-Swoop is a pure vimscript plugin, no other dependancies.

-- Pathogen --

git clone https://github.com/pelodelfuego/vim-swoop ~/.vim/bundle/vim-swoop


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-swoop.zip 1.1.8 2017-06-16 7.0 Clément CREPY fix fix from old code for buffer delete
vim-swoop.zip 1.1.7 2017-06-09 7.0 Clément CREPY Fix: Proper handle for the swoopBuffer (and file)
vim-swoop.zip 1.1.6 2016-10-05 7.0 Clément CREPY fix :x
add help in vim
vim-swoop.zip 1.1.5 2016-04-01 7.0 Clément CREPY fix saving
fix cpo restore
update Readme
fix form david Kotchan
vim-swoop.zip 1.1.3 2015-02-20 7.0 Clément CREPY fix cpo options
auto save consistent way
vim-swoop.zip 1.1.0 2015-01-29 7.0 Clément CREPY Add highlight on last pattern search
Option for case sentitivity
Possibility to type actual space for smart search
vim-swoop.tar.gz 1.0.5 2015-01-19 7.0 Clément CREPY Fix Bugs
Enchanced Customisation
Exposed Command
Exposed Function
Lazy Filetype Load
Swoop Current visual Selection
vim-swoop.zip 1.0.0 2015-01-07 7.0 Clément CREPY Bring interactivity to Swoop Mecanism. Much more intutive and faster workflow.
vim-swoop.tar.gz 0.9 2014-12-14 7.4 Clément CREPY Initial upload
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