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sonicpi.vim : Syntax highlighting and autocomplete for Sonic Pi / Ruby files

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Sonic Pi is a "free sound synthesiser for live coding designed to support computing and music lessons within schools," a Ruby-based frontend to a SuperCollider server, and an accessible GUI to support the above (http://www.sonic-pi.net).

This vim plugin is intended as a replacement for the "accessible GUI," extending Ruby's syntax highlighting to include Sonic Pi directives, supporting contextual autocompletion (for omnicomplete), and sending Sonic Pi code to the Sonic Pi server.

It becomes active when Sonic Pi is running and the Ruby filetype event occurs, unless explicitly disabled as outlined in the README.

It requires Sonic Pi 2.4 or greater, and sonic-pi-cli (https://github.com/Widdershin/sonic-pi-cli/)
install details
Place contents of tarball in ~/.vim/bundle/ as a pathogen install.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
sonicpi.vim.tgz 0.1 2015-02-19 7.0 Initial upload
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