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vim-stardict : Looking up meaning of words inside Vim using SDCV dictionary

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created by
Phong Cao
script type
**Note**: More information & screenshots available at https://github.com/phongvcao/vim-stardict

A Vim plugin for looking up meaning of words inside Vim and Bash using StarDict Command-Line Version (SDCV) dictionary program.

In addition to opening a Vim split and populating it with the output of StarDict Command-Line Version (SDCV), vim-stardict takes advantage of Vim syntax highlighting and some basic regexes to present the words' definitions to the users in an organized and user-friendly way.

The plugin was inspired and originally a fork of chusiang/vim-sdcv: https://github.com/chusiang/vim-sdcv
install details
**Note**: More information & screenshots available at https://github.com/phongvcao/vim-stardict

Before installing vim-stardict , the following applications need to be already installed in your computer:

    * SDCV

There are several ways to install vim-stardict:

    * Pathogen
        * git clone https://github.com/phongvcao/vim-stardict.git

    * NeoBundle
        * NeoBundle 'phongvcao/vim-stardict'

    * Vundle
        * Plugin 'phongvcao/vim-stardict'

    * Manual
        Copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory

* Usage:

To lookup the meaning of a word with no-space-in-between:

:StarDict random_word_with_no_spaces

To lookup the meaning of a word with spaces-in-between, put it inside quotation marks (both double and single quotes are acceptable):

:StarDict "random word with spaces"
:StarDict 'random word with spaces'

To look up the meaning of several words (either no-spaces-in-between or spaces-in-between):

:StarDict first_word second_word "third word" 'fourth word'
:StarDict "first word" 'second word'

To lookup the meaning of a word under-the-cursor:


You can pass arguments of command-line sdcv to :StarDict and :StarDictCursor commands in Vim:

:StarDict first_word "second word" -u "my_dictionary" --data-dir /my/data/dir
:StarDictCursor -u "my_dictionary" --data-dir /my/data/dir

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-stardict-0.5.0.zip 0.5.0 2015-11-23 7.3 Phong Cao * stardict & vstardict commands on Bash/Zsh now accepts all arguments of command-line sdcv
vim-stardict-0.4.4.zip 0.4.4 2015-11-23 7.3 Phong Cao * :StarDict command now accepts --data-dir & -u arguments
* Fixed stardict.py Python piping issue that prevents sdcv -u from getting the definition
vim-stardict-0.4.3.zip 0.4.3 2015-06-23 7.3 Phong Cao * Switched back to /usr/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/env python
vim-stardict-0.4.2.zip 0.4.2 2015-06-23 7.3 Phong Cao * Replaced /usr/bin/python with /usr/bin/env python for stardict.py
* Added STARDICT_PYTHON_PATH variable to let users specify the python
executable they want to use to execute stardict.py
vim-stardict-0.4.1.zip 0.4.1 2015-06-09 7.3 Phong Cao * Fixed default Python 3 option
* Removed syntax file sourcing
* Removed g:stardict_prefer_python3 option
vim-stardict-0.4.0.zip 0.4.0 2015-04-19 7.3 Phong Cao * Added support for Zsh
* Added custom $STARDICT_DIR variable to let users specify vim-stardict installation directory
vim-stardict-0.3.3.zip 0.3.3 2015-03-19 7.3 Phong Cao * Fixed wrong highlighting of words' examples
vim-stardict-0.3.2.zip 0.3.2 2015-03-01 7.3 Phong Cao * Fixed :split and :vsplit opening delay
* Fixed multiple :split open at a time
* Reuse last 'stardict' buffer if there is one
* Hide 'vim-stardict' buffer from buffer list
* Removed buffer cache of old word meaning history
vim-stardict-0.3.1.zip 0.3.1 2015-03-01 7.3 Phong Cao * Restore mouse cursor after viewing definition
vim-stardict-0.3.0.zip 0.3.0 2015-03-01 7.3 Phong Cao * Added output colors customization for Vim and Bash
* Fixed extra split in Vim
vim-stardict.zip 0.2.0 2015-02-26 7.3 Phong Cao     * Added support for Bash
    * Added output redirection from Bash to Vim
    * Fixed some highlight errors on Vim and Bash
    * Changed highlighting color for "Found ... items"
vim-stardict.zip 0.1.0 2015-02-23 7.3 Phong Cao Initial upload
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