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Treemap : Create Treemaps with VIM

 script karma  Rating 20/10, Downloaded by 2774  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Data Statiker
script type
Getting Started
With the treemap extension plugin for vim you can create treemaps with the
output in a textfile or an imbedded SVG HTML file.

**** NEW: Commands TmOpen and TmClear to open SVG-generated treemaps in the web browser out of VIM ***

For further details read the vim help file: "help treemap"

See screenshots at GITHUB:
- Input File:             https://github.com/Data-Statiker/VIM-TREEMAP/blob/master/screenshots/inputFile.png
- Treemap Output VIM:     https://github.com/Data-Statiker/VIM-TREEMAP/blob/master/screenshots/treemapOutputVIM.png
- Treemap Output SVG:     https://github.com/Data-Statiker/VIM-TREEMAP/blob/master/screenshots/trremapOutputSVG.png
- Treemap SVG in Browser: https://github.com/Data-Statiker/VIM-TREEMAP/blob/master/screenshots/treemapOpenSVG.png

First install the plugin: |treemap-install|

To start the treemap creation:
- load the inputfile
- set the separator (;|,|\t|...) in the menu Plugin->Treemap->Separator
  or with the VIM Command :TmSeparator (<leader>tr)
- set the output type 'VIM' or 'SVG' in the menu Plugin->Treemap->Output Type
  or with the VIM Command :TmOutput
- Run the treemap script in the menu Plugin->Treemap->Run    
  or with the VIM Command :TmRun
  call the main function: call treemap#main(output,separator)
  for example: - call treemap#main('VIM','\t')
               - call treemap#main(g:tmOutput,g:tmSeparator)

Set tho option wrap to 'nowrap'
  :set nowrap!
Otherwise the treemap is displayed wrong. You can set this
option also after drawing the treemap!

The decimal separator for the input file is in every language
the point "."                                                
examples:   23.1                                        

Use commands |TmCreate| and |TmDraw| instead of |TmRun|.

If you get an error message you can find help for this error in the help file. Type :help ERROR-ID.
example: :help E0003

Whats New
Version 1.0:
*       New command TmOpen (Mapping <leader>to)
        This command opens a generated SVG/HTML treemap in a
        web browser
*       Bugfix: Replace $lang with $LANG for compatibility with
        older VIM versions
*       New command TmClear to delete all generated files from TmOpen
        in the $HOME/treemaps/ directory

*       Bugfix TmCreate with other separators than "\t" (tab)

Version 0.9.2:
* New Commands TmCreate and TmDraw
To seperate the calculating and drawing of treemap
* Create folders in plugin files for a clear view

Version 0.9.1:
* Add corresponding VIM COMMANDS for each menu entry: |treemap-commands|
* Add Mappings for VIM Commands: |treemap-mappings|
* Set the default width and height in case of Output Type 'VIM'
        to 70*25
install details
Download the vimball file treemap.vmb from:

Install the vimball file with VIM
1 Download the file treemap.vmb
2 vim path/treemap.vmb
3 :so %
4 :q

Now you have the menu Plugin->Treemap

GITHUB Repository:

When you have the files from GITHUB:
Copy the folders 'autoload', 'doc' and 'plugin' to your local vimfiles:
OR (Windows)

To activate the helpfile in VIM type in command mode:
:helptags ~/.vim/doc
OR (Windows)
:helptags C:\Users\YourUsername\vimfiles\doc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
treemap.vmb 1.0 2015-05-12 7.2 Data Statiker Version 1.0:
* New command TmOpen (Mapping <leader>to)
  This command opens a generated SVG/HTML treemap in a
  web browser
* Bugfix: Replace $lang with $LANG for compatibility with
  older VIM versions
* New command TmClear to delete all generated files from TmOpen
  in the $HOME/treemaps/ directory
treemap.vmb 2015-05-03 7.4 Data Statiker Bugfix TmCreate with other separators than "\t" (tab)
treemap.vmb 0.9.2 2015-04-30 7.4 Data Statiker Version 0.9.2:
- New Commands TmCreate and TmDraw
  To seperate the calculating and drawing of treemap
- Create folders in plugin files for a clear view
Version 0.9.1:
- Add corresponding VIM COMMANDS for each menu entry: |treemap-commands|
- Add Mappings for VIM Commands: |treemap-mappings|
- Set the default width and height in case of Output Type 'VIM' to 70*25
treemap.vmb 0.9 2015-04-23 7.0 Data Statiker - Give your treemap a name / title
- Namespace for global variables: g:tm*
- BugFix: Initialize g:tmMess / no error occurs by starting "print log" anymore
- Small changes in the help file
treemap.vmb 0.8 2015-04-17 7.0 Data Statiker Update Version 0.8
- Size of treemap ist now adjustable
- More menu entries
- Update VIM help file
- Check if every unit has only one parent
- Create a log file
treemap.vmb 0.7 2015-04-13 7.4 Data Statiker False version number 7.4 in first upload
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