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yats : Yet Another TypeScript Syntax

 script karma  Rating 5/4, Downloaded by 1054  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Herrington Dakrholme
script type
Yet Another TypeScript Syntax file for Vim, adapted from YAJS. Key differences:

Exuberant Highlighting. The most elaborate or byzatine syntax highlighting for TypeScript.
Bundled with snippets for UltiSnips!
Builtin Support for tagbar!
Use 'typescript' as group name's prefix, not 'typeScript' nor 'TypeScript'. Works great with SyntaxComplete.
Inherit Web API and DOM keywords from YAJS
Syntax fold. Fold long code block, semantically!
Remove old, unused syntax definitions.

Github Source: https://github.com/HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
yats.vim-master.zip 1.0 2015-04-26 7.0 Herrington Dakrholme Initial upload
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