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MapToSideEffects : Create mappings to function side effects

 script karma  Rating -1/3, Downloaded by 615  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alexey Muranov
script type
This plugin helps to fool Vim into mapping key sequences in Normal,
Visual/Select, and Operator-pending modes to function side effects.

## User interface (API)

This plugins supports 4 *kinds* of *actions*:

* `Idempotent` -- actions that take no arguments and cannot be
  meaningfully repeated more than once,
* `Repeatable` -- actions that take no arguments but can be
  meaningfully repeated a number of times,
* `WithCount`  -- actions that take a `count`-type argument,
* `WithCount1` -- actions that take a `count1`-type argument.

*Action* here means a *VimL* function called for its side effects.

### Registering actions and creating mappings

The following functions create mappings of a key sequence of the form
`<Plug>(<name>)` to the side effects of the given action in requested

* `mapToSideEffects#SetUpIdempotent(action[, options])`
  -- set up a mapping of a key sequence of the form `<Plug>(<name>)` to
  the side effects of a user provided `Idempotent` action, return the
  generated ID number,

* `mapToSideEffects#SetUpRepeatable(action[, options])`
  -- set up a mapping of a key sequence of the form `<Plug>(<name>)` to
  the side effects of a user provided `Repeatable` action, return the
  generated ID number,

* `mapToSideEffects#SetUpWithCount(action[, options])`
  -- set up a mapping of a key sequence of the form `<Plug>(<name>)` to
  the side effects of a user provided `WithCount` action, return the
  generated ID number,

* `mapToSideEffects#SetUpWithCount1(action[, options])`
  -- set up a mapping of a key sequence of the form `<Plug>(<name>)` to
  the side effects of a user provided `WithCount1` action, return the
  generated ID number,

The optional `options` argument of these functions must be a
dictionary which can contain two keys: `'modes'` and `'name'`.

The `modes` option, if provided, has to be a string containing only
letters `n`, `v`, `x`, `s`, `o`.  If it is omitted, it is assumed to be

The `name` option, if provided, has to be a string matching the regex
`'^[-_.:[:alnum:]]\{1,45}$'` and not beginning with `MapToSideEffects-`
in any character case, and the user must ensure that the key sequence
`<Plug>(<name>)` has not yet been used as a mapping source.  If the
`name` option is omitted, the `name` is taken to be
`'MapToSideEffects-<id>'`, where `<id>` is the generated numerical ID.

Name collisions may be avoided as follows, for example:

(a) start names with "`<PluginName>-`" in plugins and with a dash "`-`"
  in user scripts, or

(b) do not provide custom names, use automatic names of the form

### Unregistering actions and removing mappings

The following functions unregister one or several previously registered
actions and clear the corresponding mappings.

* `mapToSideEffects#ClearOne(id)`
  -- remove the mapping and the data associated with the given ID number,

* `mapToSideEffects#ClearOneByName(name)`
  -- remove the mapping and the data associated with the given name,

* `mapToSideEffects#ClearMultiple(ids)`
  -- remove the mappings and the data associated with the given ID

* `mapToSideEffects#ClearMultipleByNames(names)`
  -- remove the mappings and the data associated with the given names,

The following function removes all the plugin's data and clears the
corresponding mappings.

* `mapToSideEffects#Reset()`
  -- remove all mappings and all data.

## Usage

Suppose one wishes to use the key sequence `<leader>ekf` in *Normal*,
*Visual*, and *Operator-pending* modes to perform the motion to the
nearest "end of a keyword," as defined by the pattern `'\>'` in *Vim*, in
the forward direction and taking into account the `[count]` prefix.
Using this plugin, this can be achieved as follows, for example.

1. Define a function `s:ToEndOfKeywordForward` with desired side effects
  that takes a positive integer argument `count1`:

      function s:ToEndOfKeywordForward(count1)
        let l:count1 = a:count1
        while l:count1 > 0
          call search('\>', 'W')
          let l:count1 -= 1

2. Creates a mapping of `<Plug>(-GoToEndOfKeywordForward)` to the side
  effects of `s:ToEndOfKeywordForward` function in *Normal*, *Visual*,
  and *Operator-pending* modes:

      call mapToSideEffects#SetUpWithCount1(
            \   function('s:ToEndOfKeywordForward'),
            \   {'name' : '-GoToEndOfKeywordForward', 'modes' : 'nxo'} )

3. Create desired custom mappings to `<Plug>(-GoToEndOfKeywordForward)`:

      nmap <leader>ekf <Plug>(-GoToEndOfKeywordForward)
      xmap <leader>ekf <Plug>(-GoToEndOfKeywordForward)
      omap <leader>ekf <Plug>(-GoToEndOfKeywordForward)

GitHub page: https://github.com/alexeymuranov/vim-MapToSideEffects
install details
Install normally.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
MapToSideEffects-0.1.0.tar.gz 0.1.0 2015-05-01 7.4 Alexey Muranov Fix typos in comments and README
ip used for rating:

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