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foldMarker.vim : Creat fold marker and adjust fold level with a new command ':FoldMarker'

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created by
Tommy Chen
script type
foldMarker.vim defines a new command `:FoldMarker`, which can accpet six arguments to creat fold marker and adjust fold level.

*   `l`: creat a pair of fold markers under cursor `Line`
*   `a`: creat a pair of fold markers `Above` fold area
*   `b`: creat a pair of fold markers `Below` fold area
*   `s`: creat a pair of fold markers `Surrounding` Visual area
*   `c`: `Creat` fold level
*   `d`: `Delete` fold level

Download the plugin from GitHub Repository:

install details
Copy the following two files to `~/.vim/`(`vimfiles/` for Windows users) :


Please be sure the plugin will not overwrite existing files.

Restart Vim.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
foldMarker.tar.gz 1.1.0 2015-05-16 7.4 Tommy Chen *   1.1.0
    +   Fix: Change search pattern for script variable `s:FoldEnd`, so that the plugin can recognize fold markers such as `[[[`
    +   Add: Add 8 new arguments, L/A/B/S/C/r/R/h
    +   Add: Add a global variable `g:MoveFold_FoldMarker` to move new fold marker
    +   Add: Let `:FoldMarker` accpet more ranges besides `'<` and `'>`, such as `:1,5FoldMarker`
foldMarker.tar.gz 1.0.0 2015-05-01 7.0 Tommy Chen Initial upload
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