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greekde_utf-8.vim : Keymap for Unicode polytonic Greek, for the German QWERTZ keyboard

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created by
Menno Rubingh
script type
The purpose of this Keymap is to make polytonic Greek characters easy to enter on the
German QWERTZ keyboard.  (Most importantly, this Keymap does not use keys that are
'dead keys' on the German keyboard, and that are therefore hard to use for other purposes,
such as the tilde, acute/grave/backquote, and caret keys.  It also avoids the awkward AltGr
key combinations.)

The file contains only a simple straightforward keymap mapping, without any further
"intelligence" such as functions or such.  The keymap can (and should) be used without
changing the keyboard layout.

For the Greek diacritics, this keymap uses the number keys.  On the German keyboard,
the row of number keys above the letter keys is labeled as follows (where the glyph on
the left of the key is the value with shift pressed):

      [!1] ["2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5] [&6] [/7] [(8] [)9] [=0]

The accents and breathings are created by pressing the UNSHIFTED number key whose shifted
value on the QWERTZ keyboard suggests the diacritic.  The full set of diacritic keys is
as follows:

      Key        Shift      Creates
      ! 1         No        Tonos         (modern accent)
      " 2         No        Dialytika     (diaeresis, trema)
      & 6         No        Varia         (grave accent)
      / 7         No        Oxia          (acute accent)
      ( 8         No        Psili         (rough breathing)
      ) 9         No        Dasia         (smooth breathing)
      = 0         No        Perispomeni   (circumflex accent)
      underscore  Yes       Ypogegrammeni (iota subscript)

The rules for the ORDER of keystrokes in a letter with multiple diacritics are:
The breathing precedes the letter, and everything else follows the letter.
Iota-subscript (Ypogegrammeni) and diaeresis (Dialytika) are always typed last.


      Typing e7    i.e. [e] [/7]           produces Epsilon with acute
      Typing 9a    i.e. [)9] [a]           produces Alpha with smooth breathing
      Typing 8h0_  i.e. [(8] [h] [=0] [_]  produces Eta with rough breathing, circumflex, and iota subscript.

The keymap file begins with a comment section explaining in more detail how to type the
accented Greek characters.

install details
The keymap file should have the name greekde_utf-8.vim.
Copy the file to ~/.vim/keymap/ (create the subdir if it doesn't exist yet).

In your ~/.vimrc file, add the following lines:

  set keymap=greekde   " Specifies the Keymap file
  map! <F2> <C-^>      " F2 to change between Greek and normal (Keymap on/off)
  set iminsert=0       " Start with keymap off
  set imsearch=-1      " Keymap mode synchronized in Search and in main edit window
  set timeout timeoutlen=3000 ttimeoutlen=100   " More time for typing

The F2 key is mapped to produce the command Ctrl-^ which switches keymaps.  This is
because on the German keyboard, typing Ctrl-^ may be difficult because it is typically
configured as a "dead key".


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package script version date Vim version user release notes
greekde_utf-8.vim 1.0 2015-05-06 7.0 Menno Rubingh Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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